Watermeal can form a thin green scum layer and can be confused with the algae or cyanobacteria that form a “green paint” scum. Scums of watermeal can cause high effluent TSS that, depending on the permit, have the potential to violate limits.
Watermeal can be controlled by applications of Duckweed Complete followed about two weeks later by spraying PondZilla Pro to degrade the dead watermeal. However, chemical treatment is not always recommended as a small skimmer can block watermeal from exiting the lagoon. This floating plant is a symptom of high levels of sludge buildup and internal nutrient recycling. Sludge can be physically removed by dredging or a non-disruptive option: SludgeRx. This can aid in sludge reduction and prevent resuspension of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus.
Watermeal is a small (1-2 mm), oval or spherical-shaped floating plant that thrives in nutrient rich environments. This plant is often found embedded within duckweed colonies. Watermeal can form a thin green scum layer and can be confused with algae or cyanobacteria that form a “green paint” scum.
Watermeal. (2018). Texas A&M AgriLife extension. https://aquaplant.tamu.edu/plant-identification/alphabetical-
Waterworth, K. (2021). Controlling watermeal weeds: Tips for managing watermeal in ponds. Gardening know how.
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