
Remove hardened lift station grease

  • Powerful biocatalyst technology that speeds grease removal while lowering odors
  • Lowers downstream BOD and dangerous hydrogen sulfide levels
  • Works best in lift stations, collection systems, and grease traps
  • Dose rate & product info
  • Year round effectiveness on the toughest accumulations of grease


Address heavy grease and old, hardened accumulations with fast-acting GreaseZilla. It combines hydrophilic bacterial cultures with a fast-acting biocatalyst that quickly breaks up and digests grease in lift stations. It can also be used in kitchen drain lines and grease traps.

How it is Different: Unlike caustic or solvent based grease treatments, GreaseZilla will not result in a slug of grease being pushed downstream. The entirely biological action allows the grease to be irreversibly digested. Additionally, it is safe for the applicator as well as equipment.

Special Note:

Operators are fighting against the issues caused by “flushable” wipes all over the country. The wipes really begin to cause problems when combining with grease to form mats and clogging lift stations. While marketed as biodegradable, the majority of these wipes are made from polyester, a material that generally takes 20 to 40 years to break down. Aquafix has seen firsthand the clogs and compacting these wipes cause, binding together with grease and other matter in sewer lines and lift stations. GreaseZilla dramatically hydrolyzes grease to rob flushable wipes of the glue they need to form large clumps and keep operations running smoothly.

Dose Rate

Lift Stations, Collection Lines and Sewer Lines

Flow Rate (Liters per day)

Initial Dose (Daily for 1-2 weeks) Maintenance Dose (Twice per week)
37,854 LPD 195 mL 195 mL
378, 540 LPD 1.89 L 1.89 L
1.89 MgLPD 9.5 L 9.5 L
3.78 MgLPD 18.9 L 18.9 L

Grease Traps

Grease Trap Size

Heavy Dose (Twice per week) Maintenance Dose (Once per week)
3,785 LPD 1.89 L 237 mL
37,854 LPD 28.9 L 1.89 L
75, 708 LPD 37.85 L 3.79 L

Product Pairings

Pair with Bug On A Rope for the initial treatment of excess grease in lift stations.

Applications and Benefits

Bug On A Rope for the initial treatment of excess grease in lift stations.

  • Lift stations
  • Wet wells
  • Drain lines
  • Sewer lines
  • Grease traps
  • Degrades and breaks down grease
  • Safe and easy to apply
  • Fact-acting formula
  • Contains no petroleum solvents
  • Great results
  • Non-flammable
  • Gentle on cords and floats
  • Works well for winter holiday overload

Product Resources

PDF Downloads: Product info, SDS, and white papers

GreaseZilla Info Sheet
GreaseZilla & Bug On A Rope Info Sheet
GreaseZilla SDS
Removal of Fat Deposits in Water by
UW-Stevens Point

3 reviews for GreaseZilla

  1. Kevin K. (WI)

    seems to work well to minimize grease in our influent wet wells at the WWTP as well as our 2 lift stations.

  2. Jonathon M (LA)

    As easy as 1 2 3. My grease traps are no longer my worries The combination of both bug on a rope and greasezilla has kept us from having zero down time on a lift station

  3. Steve C (IL)

    We use Greasezilla in our wet wells and lift stations. It does and amazing job at removing grease initially. Then it is a simple maintenance schedule moving forward.

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