Polar RX

Cold-Climate Lagoon Treatment Solution

Maximize wastewater lagoon performance during winter with cold-tolerant microbes and nutrients designed for Canadian conditions

  • Specially formulated biological treatment that boosts microbial activity in wastewater lagoons at temperatures as low as 1°C, allowing for extended treatment seasons.
  • Polar RX is easily applied during  the fall freeze-up and after the spring melt.
  • Helps maximize sludge reduction and maintain effluent compliance with a longer active treatment cycle.


Dense tablets are easy to apply and deliver active ingredients straight to the sludge, maximizing impact and efficiency in temperatures 1-15.5 degrees Celsius.

Dose Rate


13 to 27 kg per 40,000 square meters (.4Ha) once per month in early spring (once the ice is off) and the last two months of autumn (before the ice closes).

Aeration Basins

13kg per 283 cubic meters (10,000 ft³) twice per month in early spring (once the ice is off) and the last two months of autumn (before the ice closes).

Product Pairings

Use with VitaStim Polar to maximize effluent quality improvements. During the summer and early autumn months switch to Sludge RX and VitaStim Polar.

Applications and Benefits

  • Optimizes lagoon health.
  • Extends effective lagoon treatment window with better cold water performance.
  • Simple, effective application process tailored to Canadian winters.

Polar RX is ideal for:

  • Municipal wastewater lagoons across Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba.
  • Cold-climate lagoons with high ammonia or organic load challenges.


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