Qwik-Zyme P

Speeding Digestion of Complex Proteins

  • Biocatalysts for complex protein degradation
  • Lowers BOD and improves settling
  • Best for systems with high protein loading (dairies and meat processors)


Qwik-Zyme P is a biocatalyst that breaks down the complex proteins in dairy waste, meat packing, egg processing, and other waste with complex proteins. Proteins are the building blocks of biological life and they can often be difficult or slow to digest in wastewater treatment. In the case of dairy waste, the protein is a milk solid called casein. Casein is a very complex and interwoven protein that takes a significant time for bacteria to break down. In order to begin the process, they require the catalyst that Qwik-Zyme P provides.

Using Qwik-Zyme P at the head of the plant improves a number of plant conditions. This product liberates the difficult-to-access proteins and convert them into nitrogen for your system, allowing reduced nitrogen supplementation. It will increase settling, lower sludge production, speed COD breakdown, reduce foaming, and lower COD while improving polymer function on the back-end to decrease the presence of any odors. Since casein is a phosphoprotein, Qwik-Zyme P will also improve phosphorous removal downstream.

If you have a cheese plant with foaming or odors in the sludge storage tank, this is partly due to undigested casein. Bacteria can break down milk sugars easily, but the milk solids, like the protein casein, are especially tough. Casein passing through will cause many issues in plants. Qwik-Zyme P will quickly degrade and fix this, while also lowering COD levels and stopping odors.

Qwik-Zyme P is great to apply to the head of the plant. This is a quick fix if you have 10 lbs of food quickly passing through a 5# box. This product has saved at least one cheese plant from expanding their wastewater treatment plant.

Undigested protein waste is an issue with many sections of the food processing industry. Qwik-Zyme P provides the tools bacteria need to digest any complex protein found in wastewater. Instead of turning into sludge in your storage tanks or lagoon, Qwik-Zyme P turns this waste into fuel for your beneficial bacteria.

Dose Rate

Product Pairings

Pair with Qwik-Zyme L for overloaded systems.

Applications and Benefits

  • Cheese plants
  • Dairy plants
  • Meat packing plants
  • Breweries
  • Rendering facilities
  • Works quickly
  • Breaks down casein
  • Speeds up COD breakdown
  • Reduce sludge
  • Lowers COD
  • Improves polymer function
  • Decreases presence of odors
  • Improves phosphorous removal

Case Studies



A brewery had a yeast outbreak and it caused bad foaming, poor settling, and bad effluent. The problem persisted for a couple of months until they called us.


Add 2 lbs – 3 lbs Foam Buster to help with the foam and add 1 gallon of Qwik-Zyme P to improve settling.


After experimenting with the dosage rate we were able to come up with the perfect solution. Just one day after adding Qwik-Zyme P the plant settled perfectly and the customer was ecstatic.

Product Resources

PDF Downloads: Product info, SDS, and white papers

Qwik-Zyme P Aerobic Info Sheet

Qwik-Zyme P Dairy Info Sheet

Qwik-Zyme P SDS


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