VitaStim Winery

Winery Waste Digesting Bacteria

  • Significantly lowers BOD and tannin levels
  • Keeps bacteria thriving during light loads
  • Lowers labor and maintenance
  • Reuse and save on water
  • Keeps winery in compliance


Winery Wastewater Needs Sustainability

Winery wastewater plants struggle to keep a sustainable operation because of their variable production stages. The loading can shift from almost nothing to incredibly high points. The organic loading during the racking stage can be 10 times as much as municipal wastewater. When a loading that massive shifts into almost nothing, it causes upsets in the bacterial environment, which immediately leads to permit violations in TSS, ammonia, and BOD.

Among these pressing concerns, wineries are being forced to upgrade their wastewater process to meet the changing demands on environmental compliance. Septic systems and traditional wastewater lagoons are failing to lower BOD, TSS, and tannin levels. Introducing VitaStim Winery can save older or failing winery wastewater systems.

Specially designed for winery and high sugar waste, VitaStim Winery has select biostimulants that give the bacteria the tools they need to break down high BOD loads.  The micronutrients introduced give the biomass a fighting chance during light loads.

No matter what type of wastewater process, VitaStim Winery will benefit it. VitaStim Winery will keep the bacterial environment in check by introducing the right amount of biostimulants to lower BOD during heavy production and keep the bacteria alive during light. This will lower labor costs and allow wineries to reuse water, pushing the idea of a greener, more sustainable winery.

Dose Rate

 VitaStim Winery Treatment Dosing

Initial Dose Maintenance Dose
910 grams per 370,000 Liters per day for 10 days 227 grams per day per 370,000 Liters per day

Applications and Benefits

  • Significantly lowers BOD and tannin levels
  • Keeps bacteria thriving during light loads
  • Lowers labor and maintenance
  • Reuse and save on water
  • Keeps winery in compliancea

Case Studies

Winery Seasonal Changes


A customer in Napa Valley had periodic concerns with the wastewater treatment process of their winery. The plant was either overloaded and stinking or underloaded and starving. The winery did not have time to watch over the wastewater treatment plant and needed something that would stabilize it to allow for less maintenance. The customer had used bacterial products in the past, but could not tell if they did anything at all.

Flow Rate BOD Dissolved Oxygen
High 454,294 LPD 3,000 PPM 6.0 PPM
Low 0 LPD 60 PPM 0.3 PPM


Their flow rate varies between 0 LPD on the low end and 454,294 LPD on the high.  At this particular time they were averaging 227,124 LPD, and the effluent was turning cloudy.  They added 454 grams per day of VitaStim Winery for 10 days and then dropped back to 227 grams per day thereafter.


VitaStim Winery stabilized their process, allowed for less maintenance, and the reused water is consistently clear. When they get hit hard, they bump up the dose for a few days.

Product Resources

PDF Downloads: Product info, SDS, and white papers

VitaStim Winery Product Sheet
VitaStim Winery Treatment SDS


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